Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What is Depression?

Depression is a disorder that is life threatening. It affects one's mood. People with depression have reduced levels of neurotransmitters. Specifically serotonin (a chemical tha puts signals from one area of the brain to another)because it influences pyschological and other body functions. Statistics show that 17.6 million Americans are affected by depression each year. There are many different types of depressions and they affect people differently. Major depression is evident by strong sad feelings or loss of interest. These symptoms last for at least two weeks. Dysthymia has less severe symptoms. However, it can lasat for more than two years. Another type of depression is Adjustment Disorder. This happens after a traumatic experience. An example is after a loss of a a loved job or a loved one. The person obviously takes the loss hard and finds it impossible to cope with. Finally, there is Affective Disorder. This is caused the lack of sunlight. This can be helped with a sunbox. A sunbox gives off UV-rays and simulates the sun. All in all depression can be a matter of life and death. It is very strong and really makes one's mood and in an essence shapes the person.


  1. Very intersting.
    Did you know? Depression, in some cases, can lead to people feeling like they need to commit suicide. Suicide is a potentially preventable public health problem. It accounts for more than 1% of all deaths in the U.S. each year. In 2001, suicide was the 11th leading cause of death in the U.S. Over 90% of people who die by suicide have clinical depression or another diagnosable mental disorder. That's alot of people.

    Take the depression test! http://depression.about.com/cs/diagnosis/l/bldepscreenquiz.htm Are you depressed?

  2. I looked into the type of depression called Affective Disorder. It is also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or more commonly called 'winter depression.' People may sleep too much and still feel like they have very little energy and this may cause them to feel depressed. Treatment for 'winter depression' is very interesting. People can have light therapy which allows the person to experience some sort of sunlight. Surprisingly, there is also 'summer depression' as well. High anxiety is usually related to 'summer depression.'

  3. When I think of depression i think of tramatic experiences that knock people down. For example, when your company loses millions of dollors due to sales or a husband loses their wife due to a long term illness. Depression can affect your whole life. From your daily routine to even the people you interact with. When a person is depressed symptoms such as changes in the way you think and speak can last for days, weeks, or even months. Any type of symptoms it's important to seek medical help. Without medical help or even going to a person to talk could lead to serious consequencees.

  4. In addition to what Cat said, often people who are cutters have depression, and the depression leads to their need to cut themselves. When the body is harmed or damaged the brain releases a hormone called epinephrine in response to the pain. Epinephrine is in addition to a pain reliever, a mood enhancer. As a result those who suffer depression may cut themselves as a way to feel better since when they cut themselves the epinephrine is released and it causes the pain relief and the mood to be enhanced.

  5. Elaborating more on Kristyne's response, it's difficult for us to understand why "cutters" decide to harm themselves in such a way to feel better. What's the point in causing more pain amongst oneself when the scars are always going to be there? And the fact that cutting only brings temporary relief results in more cutting and more scars. From each incision, endorphins* are released as the body's natural pain relievers. They are the "feel good" hormones that comfort us when we eat and even when we exercise. Although physical activity and eating the foods we wish to eat may not be effective ways to treat something serious as depression, these methods can be useful for temporary contentment.
