Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What is Depression?

Depression is a disorder that is life threatening. It affects one's mood. People with depression have reduced levels of neurotransmitters. Specifically serotonin (a chemical tha puts signals from one area of the brain to another)because it influences pyschological and other body functions. Statistics show that 17.6 million Americans are affected by depression each year. There are many different types of depressions and they affect people differently. Major depression is evident by strong sad feelings or loss of interest. These symptoms last for at least two weeks. Dysthymia has less severe symptoms. However, it can lasat for more than two years. Another type of depression is Adjustment Disorder. This happens after a traumatic experience. An example is after a loss of a a loved job or a loved one. The person obviously takes the loss hard and finds it impossible to cope with. Finally, there is Affective Disorder. This is caused the lack of sunlight. This can be helped with a sunbox. A sunbox gives off UV-rays and simulates the sun. All in all depression can be a matter of life and death. It is very strong and really makes one's mood and in an essence shapes the person.


What is depression?